Hey guys! Welcome to another blog post.
This week, I am going to tell you guys about some of my favorite TikTokers. These are people that I smile when I see their TikToks and I could watch their TikToks all day and never get tired of them.
So, let's get into it.
@karissaeats - she makes a lot of "what I eat in a day"/"what I eat at..." videos and I love them.
@charlidamelio - been a fan of hers since 2020 and that's never gonna change.
@abigailfeehls - I didn't become a fan of hers until recently but I find her eating videos so satisfying.
@lindsarnold - she's a pro on DWTS and I love watching her TikToks of her and her kids.
@addiemclarke_ - I love her candy salad videos.
@kayleighleon - one of my favorite food TikTokers.
@heyyitsrenaee - one of my favorite wrestling TikTokers.
@dylaneatss - "mhmm". That's all I have to say.
@addisonre - just like Charli, I've been a fan of hers since 2020 and that's never gonna change.
@mikailadancer - I love how she takes no shit and how confident she is.
@jaedengomezz - literally one of the best dancers on the app. Argue with the wall.
So, those are all of my updated favorite TikTokers. I do have other favorites but these are just (like I said) the ones that I pretty much fangirl over when I see their TikToks.
Until next week,