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  • Writer's pictureBrianna Blake

Flashback Friday: Valentine's Day

Hey guys! Welcome to another flashback Friday. For this week's flashback Friday, I've decided to take 3 photos from previous Valentine's and tell you all about them.

Let's start with the first one.

This one is from 2013. I remember this because, when I was looking through the pictures, I remembered that I had a bit of purple in my hair when this photo was taken.

I flipped when I got these slippers because I am obsessed with fluffy things and they were super duper fluffy.

Unfortunately, they didn't last very long until both of the pom poms on one of them came off so, I threw them out. However, the time I did have with them was worth it. I desperately need to find myself a second pair because like I said, I loved those slippers.

This photo was also taken in 2013, but it wasn't take on Valentine's day. I have family a few hours away from my house and they always give me something for every holiday. In 2013, they gave me the pink and blue slippers that are also in this photo, and a few other things. They also gave me the book that I'm hugging. I think I flipped over that book more than the slippers, mainly because it was a One Direction book and I used to be OBSESSED with 1D. So, obviously, my first instinct was to hug the book. I loved it and I believe I still have it somewhere.

I remember this cake being so delicious. Well, all cakes are delicious. My favorite kinds of cake, however are just two of the classic ones; chocolate and/or vanilla. I also really like ice cream cake.Anyway, I also remember the decoration on the cake and I also remember being so obsessed with it that I wanted to keep it.

That's it for today's blog post. I know it wasn't my longest and there was more pictures than text but, oh well.

Hopefully, next weeks blog post will be a little longer.

Until then,


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