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Flashback Friday: Grade 5

Writer's picture: Brianna BlakeBrianna Blake

Updated: Feb 3, 2019

Hey! I know I was supposed to post yesterday for flashback friday, but I couldn't find the photos I wanted to use, but today I finally found them so, here is yesterday's blog post.

Today, I'm gonna talk about grade 5.

Before I start, I just wanted to point out something. One of the girls that I mentioned in this blog didn't want her name or her face in it. So, out of respect, I edited the pictures she was in and I took her face out of them.

I had just moved to Peterview, NL just days before the first day of grade 5 so, I had no clue who anybody was or how nice they were so, I was obviously pretty nervous.

I have to admit, when I was younger (around ages 8-13), my photos were pretty cringey. Take these for example:

Anyway, fast forward to the actual first day when I actually arrived to school.

I was in Mrs. Watkins class. I already kind of knew her before then because she had a yard sale at her house a few days prior. I got to talk to her and that was also the day I found out I was going to be in her class, so, by the first day, I knew who's class I was in, I just didn't know where her room was (I should've though, considering I had a tour of the whole school before the first day), but I figured it out.

So, I walked into her classroom, and as you could imagine, I noticed people were giving me kind of weird looks probably because I was the new girl. They didn't know me and I didn't know them.

I did, however, make a few friends on the first day. I'm still friends with them to this day but I hang out with only one of them the most.

I walked in and took a seat. A few minutes later 2 more girls came in and sat next to me, their names were Gabrielle and Kendra.

I instantly became friends with the two of them. I also became friends with my new locker buddy named Meaghan. Unfortunately, Meaghan and I weren't locker buddies for a long time but that didn't matter. I still respected her.

I have to say, one of my favorite assignments we did was a giant folder. We had to fill it out with a bunch of stuff about us and we were getting it back during graduation. So, I have one more year to go until I get it back. I'm honestly very excited to get it back mainly because I can't remember what the heck I put into it, but I guess I'll just have to wait.

Something I regret was revealing that I was a "lesbian" which was not true at all. I remember I was sitting in the library during one of my classes and this girl was sitting next to me. She said "can we be friends" and I was totally down for it. However, I wasn't at all expecting for her to say "if you want to, you'll have to ask out all of the girls in my class." I wanted to become friends with her, but I didn't want to lie to people and say I was a lesbian, but, she practically forced me to. So, I did.

Our friendship didn't last long though before she started treating me like shit for no reason. She's nice now, so, that's great.

Another thing I regret doing is telling everyone I had a little sister, which wasn't true. My mother had a miscarriage when I was four.

Something else I regret, I remember it was on day 4 and we were in art last period. My mom was coming to pick me up after school and I couldn't wait. So, I asked my teacher if I could go to the bathroom. I only wanted to leave the class so I could watch my mom come. About 10-20 minutes later, there was an announcement from the principal, Mr. Roach. "Brianna Blake, go back to class," he said. I didn't budge. About 5 minutes later, I heard my teacher talking about me, so I knew she was coming. I tried to run somewhere but I didn't know where to run. Then, I heard her say, "you check up here, I'll check downstairs." That's when I heard her walking down the stairs, and I was right by the bottom of the stairs looking out the window. I wanted to run out of the school because there was a door right next to me. I looked at the stairs and I found what I thought was the perfect hiding spot. I hid under a pile of desks under the stairs, but my teacher caught me and said she heard me breathing. So, as you cane imagine, I was in a lot of trouble. I even had to come back to school the next day with an apology letter to Mrs. Watkins. Not only that, she never even let me leave the class without alone. Someone always had to come with me which I absolutely hated. I couldn't use the bathroom with someone else in there. I've always been like that and I still am.

That happened a few times in grade 6, too. I would ask my teacher, Mrs. Cater if I could use the bathroom. She would let me go but before I left the room, someone said "because of last year's incident, someone has to go with her all of the time." Gladly, that doesn't happen anymore.

I always looked forward to every day, though because some days, our guidance Councillor would come in with a real baby or a baby doll to teach us how to deal with babies. That was always fun.

At the end of the year, our teacher gave us a photo album of pictures taken throughout the year.

I love looking at all of the memories through mine.

Here's a few of them:

Back then, I could never keep a straight face when people were taking "funny face" photos. It was always tricky for me. I tried making a funny face, too, but as you can see, I obviously failed miserably.

About once a month, we would always have like a karaoke thing. After all of them, we would go back to our classroom's half deaf. We wouldn't be able to hear a thing for a few minutes. That's how loud it was.

I remember this one specific song that always upset me because it always made me think about my family back where I used to live. Every time that song came on, I would go to the bathroom until it was over so I could avoid being upset.

This was my heritage fair project thing. My dad helped me out with it.

Oh my goodness! Those monkey bars.

I cried one day when I was on the monkey bars because I couldn't get down and I didn't want to break a leg or something. But, luckily I got down with help with a few teachers.

This was a pretty fun day. Everyone got to play games and I played Yahtzee with Allison, Kendra, and Beronica.

This was probably the best day I had in grade 5. We went on a year end trip. I can't remember exactly what we did but we ended it with Jungle Jims. I sat Meaghan, Isabella, Kendra, and another girl who didn't want to be in the blog and I had monkey fingers which are pretty much chicken fingers, curly fries and to top it all off, I had a smartie pants sundae.

I have to say, my first year in Botwood memorial academy was great. I walked in expecting to not become friends with anybody but I gained a few. I loved it.

And here I am now in grade 11. One more year to go! I can't believe it!

So, that's it for this week's flashback Friday. I should call it flashback Saturday though considering I am posting this on a Saturday but I like flashback Friday more, so I think I'll stick with that. See you soon for another blog!


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