Hey guys!
Welcome back to another blog post.
As promised, this week, I will be talking about my Christmas wishlist for this year.
There are tons of things I would like to receive but I know that I can't have everything, so, I've just decided to narrow my wishlist down to 4 things.

Okay, I've been wanting a record player for years!
I want a record player because I love listening to music.

If you know me, you know that Pretty Little Liars is one of my favorite shows of all time.
I have seen every episode of Pretty Little Liars and when I heard that this DVD collection was coming out, I knew I had to get it.

Okay, I really want a new phone more than anything else.
I want a new phone for three reasons:
1) Every time I try to charge it, the charger will work for a few days and then it will just give out.
2) There are so many cracks on my phone
3) I've just had my phone for a while and I think it might be time for a new one.
Don't get me wrong, I love my current phone. I just think it might be time to get a new one.
Also, if I were to pick the type of phone to get for Christmas, I'd pick either the iPhone x or the iPhone 11.

The last thing on my list is Disney+.
If you don't know what Disney+ is, it's basically like Netflix but with Disney movies/shows.
I've been dying to get Disney+ since I first heard about it. I love Disney.
That is everything on my wishlist.
Come back tomorrow for my TLC predictions.